planting fall crops
early september, double dug 3A and planted king carrot seeds as well as easter egg raddishes. started broccoli in seedling flat. single dug 2D/border and transplanted some herbs, sweet basil, marjoram, spearmint, peppermint.
1A - staked up tomatoes better and folded into stake/wire cages. still producing plenty of fruit, even spreading into 1B
1B - beans are pretty much done, have harvested several jars already, maybe can get 1 more. potatoes are probably done, no more green shows. cucumbers are mostly done.. already have made 3 jars of pickle, and a few more remain.
1C - corn is drying out, all good ears are picked. some ears remain to collect seeds from
1D - strawberries making a comeback, very green now and spreading out, some fruits starting to appear. all greens have been harvested. have several bok choi pods to collect seeds from
2A - jalapenos doing well, many flowers and several fruits showing. black beans doing well, lots of full pods.
2B - summer squash is amazingly good crop. 1 watermelon is making it. several acorn squash as well
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